about the site

Lectio Meditatio - ‘read & meditate’ - is a practical what/why/how to the ancient spiritual practice of Lectio Divina - ‘divine reading’.

The Christian faith tradition exhorts members of the faithful to regularly read, and pray with, the Sacred Scriptures. Yet many fail to do so, mainly because they’ve never been shown how. And further, how The Word of God can practically transform their lives.

When we regularly pray with The Word of God - and apply that Word to our daily lives (‘be doers of The Word’ James 1:22) - we will see God’s power and might like never before.

about the founder

Jo Hayes is a TV news reporter, Speech Pathologist, Catholic evangelist, and Benedictine Oblate.

Jo holds a Bachelors degree in Speech Pathology, a Graduate Certificate in Professional Communication, and a Masters degree in Journalism.

In 2017, Jo’s life was radically transformed when she was introduced to the daily practice of Lectio Divina. Since that day, she has committed to a ‘life rule’ of spending at least 1 hour, everyday, reading, studying, and meditating on the Holy Scriptures.

Following almost two decades in the mainstream media, broadcasting for some of the world’s leading news networks, Jo stepped into Catholic television - preaching and teaching on the power of The Word of God, and the daily practice of Lectio Divina.

Jo travels extensively all around the world, in her role as a lay evangelist.

She is a Benedictine Oblate of Jamberoo Abbey, Australia.

Jo is also the founder of Etiquette Expert, and enjoys keeping fit by way of triathlons and barre pilates.

Find out more about Jo Hayes

Jo Hayes catholic with Pope
Jo Hayes Catholic